justinlangston336: Hit him in the head, right between the eyes
justinlangston336: Trick-or-treat
justinlangston336: I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought
justinlangston336: We now have corporate sponsorship
justinlangston336: Always wear proper PPE when using a chainsaw
justinlangston336: Propane torch in a plain brown paper bag
justinlangston336: I can only blame myself
justinlangston336: That one time I decided to sneak into my neighbor's apartment and spy on her. Boy did that turn out to be a terrible decision.
justinlangston336: Nutella learns that the local police employ advanced interrogation techniques.
justinlangston336: Crap, it's really raining
justinlangston336: Love is an open door
justinlangston336: Black Nikon FE on a ladder with two orange peppers
justinlangston336: Long time...
justinlangston336: Lines of Communication
justinlangston336: Tell no lies
justinlangston336: Table's Ready
justinlangston336: Collection Services
justinlangston336: Kutztown Car Wash
justinlangston336: Out of focus
justinlangston336: Kutztown at Night
justinlangston336: Stockings hung with care
justinlangston336: For the health conscience loved ones in your life, give them Spam Lite this Christmas.
justinlangston336: Galactic latch, catch, and lock smuggler