Justin Kane: Charles Scrambling
Justin Kane: Set, Hike!
Justin Kane: Scrambling
Justin Kane: Under Pressure
Justin Kane: Dave and Nij
Justin Kane: Charles in the Act
Justin Kane: Nij, Keith, Lou
Justin Kane: Charles and Nij
Justin Kane: Charles Throwing a Pass
Justin Kane: Dave Rushing
Justin Kane: Diesel QB
Justin Kane: Dave Pressuring the QB
Justin Kane: Nij Sprinting off the Line
Justin Kane: Robby Breaking Free
Justin Kane: Back for the Snap
Justin Kane: Charles and Keith
Justin Kane: Victorious Secret
Justin Kane: Lining up for the snap
Justin Kane: Back to Pass
Justin Kane: Charles Putting on the Moves
Justin Kane: Diesel Huddle
Justin Kane: VS Huddle
Justin Kane: Charles Throws a Pass
Justin Kane: Nij Rushing the QB
Justin Kane: Andrea after a tackle
Justin Kane: Swarming Defense
Justin Kane: 3/4 if the VS Females (and Lou)
Justin Kane: Andrea Doing Sideline Cheers
Justin Kane: Charles Throwing a Pass
Justin Kane: Running Routes