The Basingstoker:
USATC S160 No6046 TnT with 08507 at Wallingford station taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21
The Basingstoker:
USATC S160 No6046 TnT with 08507 at Wallingford station taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21
The Basingstoker:
08507 TnT with USATC S160 No6046 passing over Wallingford Bypass Level Crossing taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21
The Basingstoker:
USATC S160 No6046 TnT with 08507 passing over Wallingford Bypass Level Crossing taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21
The Basingstoker:
08507 TnT with USATC S160 No6046 at Cholsey Church Road taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21
The Basingstoker:
USATC S160 No6046 TnT with 08507 at Cholsey Church Road taken during the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Polar Express event 12/12/21