The Basingstoker: 47739 + 73136 passes Sharpthorne 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 09018 passes Sharpthorne 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 66770 + 73119 passes Sharpthorne 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 + 73136 passes Sharpthorne 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73964 + 4-TC unit at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 66770 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 20905 + 20901 + 73136 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73107 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 09018 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73964 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 + 73119 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 + 73119 & 73107 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 66770 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 20901 + 20905 + 73136 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 20901 + 20905 + 73136 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73964 at Horsted Keynes 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 20901 + 20905 + 73119 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73119 + 20905 + 20901 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 73082 & 73119 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 20905 + 20901 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 + 73136 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 at Sheffield Park 15/04/16
The Basingstoker: 47739 Nameplate in April 2016