The Basingstoker:
33103 + 47701 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
47701 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
45060 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
47701 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
33103 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
33103 + 47701 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
45060 at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
Class 205, 1132 at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
D4167 (08937) at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
4-CEP coach 61743 at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
4-CIG Class 421 DTCL 76747 at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
205028 at Meldon Quarry 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
45060 at Okehampton 23/01/16
The Basingstoker:
47701 Nameplate in Jan 2016
The Basingstoker:
33103 + 47701 at Okehampton 23/01/16