The Basingstoker:
47812 TnT 66759 at Ipswich on GBRF Charity Train, "The Second Serve" working 1Z48 Ipswich to Walton-on-the-Naze 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
66759 TnT 47812 at Walton-on-the-Naze after working 1Z48 from Ipswich on a GBRF Charity Train "The Second Serve" 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
66719 at Harwich 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
66524 & 66602 at Harwich 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
66759 TnT 47812 at Harwich Town after working 1Z49 from Walton-on-the-Naze on a GBRF Charity Train, "The Second Serve" 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
37059 at Norwich 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
47812 at Norwich after working 1Z51 from Harwich Town on a GBRF Charity Train, "The Second Serve" 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
47812 working 0Z47 Norwich to Doncaster passes Peterborough 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
66759 at Peterborough on a GBRF Charity Train, "The Second Serve" working 1Z92 Peterborough to Acton Lane Reception Sidings 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
73201 & 73128 at Acton Lane Reception Sidings 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
73201 & 73128 at Acton Lane Reception Sidings 12/07/15
The Basingstoker:
47746 at Acton Lane Reception Sidings 12/07/15