justinchannell: Stop Snowing (but check out that lens flare)
justinchannell: Open Shutter on Sports Illustrated camera
justinchannell: Jones Ave. in the Snowpocalypse
justinchannell: Business and Economics Bldg. in the Snow
justinchannell: Crosswalk signs aren't that interesting actionsampled
justinchannell: Tree on Highland Ave.
justinchannell: Snowpocalypse on Highland Ave.
justinchannell: Snowy Shoes
justinchannell: Hill by Campus During Snowpocalypse
justinchannell: Statue at the Cemeterey
justinchannell: Sunnyside during the Snowpocalypse
justinchannell: Morgantown's looking snowy
justinchannell: Bridge Closed
justinchannell: Stop Snowing.