Justin Snow: Me with a goat
Justin Snow: Elise and mule 2
Justin Snow: Elise and mule 1
Justin Snow: Me with chicken
Justin Snow: Nettle Meadow
Justin Snow: Me and mom at the Sheep Shack
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 8
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 7
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 6
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 5
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 4
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 3
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 2
Justin Snow: Elise and llama 1
Justin Snow: Me and llama
Justin Snow: Kayla wearing sunglasses
Justin Snow: Scott under huge blanket
Justin Snow: Me and mom looking at Polaroids
Justin Snow: Me and mom making faces
Justin Snow: Kayla on porch with blanket
Justin Snow: Me and mom with lighter
Justin Snow: Me with llama in my pocket
Justin Snow: Elise sunning on rock
Justin Snow: Elise sunning on rock
Justin Snow: Me blowing into acorn
Justin Snow: Me throwing stick
Justin Snow: Me and Scott on rocks
Justin Snow: Mom and Scott on porch
Justin Snow: Me on rocks