Justin Snow: Elise with spilled milk
Justin Snow: Me riding the carousel
Justin Snow: Yoshimi by the window
Justin Snow: Sunset
Justin Snow: Me with Hodge
Justin Snow: Elise with the globe
Justin Snow: Vladmaster
Justin Snow: Me, Gerrit, Ginny, & Sadie
Justin Snow: Me with Cap'n
Justin Snow: Me smelling fingers
Justin Snow: Me sliding on the ice
Justin Snow: Me on the floor
Justin Snow: Me looking in dumpster
Justin Snow: Me in front of the car
Justin Snow: Fifty Six is freezing
Justin Snow: Me holding plate
Justin Snow: Me at bottom of stairs
Justin Snow: Me and Scott
Justin Snow: Elise with a clock
Justin Snow: Elise sitting on the porch
Justin Snow: Elise sitting in front of the tree
Justin Snow: Elise sewing
Justin Snow: Elise looking in fence
Justin Snow: Elise in front of the house
Justin Snow: Elise cooking
Justin Snow: Elise by the cabinet
Justin Snow: Elise at the window
Justin Snow: Elise at top of stairs