_Enigmatic_1: Inter-Realm
_Enigmatic_1: Ford Custom Ute
_Enigmatic_1: Experimental E - Melbourne
_Enigmatic_1: Earth, Wind, Fire Water... It's Captain Planet!
_Enigmatic_1: Occupational Health Hazard - Steel Wool / Light Painting may be harmful :)
_Enigmatic_1: Apocalypse - underground with The Melbourne Light Painters Crew
_Enigmatic_1: The Drain Mutant
_Enigmatic_1: Lushness
_Enigmatic_1: Happyland
_Enigmatic_1: Chaplin versus Fredestaire
_Enigmatic_1: Globular Nebula
_Enigmatic_1: Ned Kelly and the Policeman
_Enigmatic_1: The gathering (Light painting in Melbourne)
_Enigmatic_1: Rock Stars
_Enigmatic_1: Gathering of the Light Fanatics
_Enigmatic_1: Surfs Up in California!
_Enigmatic_1: Insulator Factory Waywardness
_Enigmatic_1: Yet more spirals
_Enigmatic_1: Shazizzle
_Enigmatic_1: Drain Jumping B
_Enigmatic_1: Another version (Melbourne Light Painters up to their usual tricks)
_Enigmatic_1: Chemical Warfare - Light painting the underground