Justin K Bradley:
Turkey Portrait - 32,000iso - 1000mm
Justin K Bradley:
Scarlet Tanager (non-breeding male)
Justin K Bradley:
White-breasted Nuthatch
Justin K Bradley:
White-breasted Nuthatch
Justin K Bradley:
Osprey - The Carry Off
Justin K Bradley:
Morning Sun - Green Heron Shake
Justin K Bradley:
Osprey Fly-by
Justin K Bradley:
Palm Warbler on Branch
Justin K Bradley:
Swainson's Thrush - Fall Setting
Justin K Bradley:
Great Egret in Flight, Backlit
Justin K Bradley:
Downey Woodpecker - Fall Setting - Morning Light
Justin K Bradley:
Green Heron Morning Sun Bathing
Justin K Bradley:
1000mm f8!! Green Heron Morning Light
Justin K Bradley:
Monarch Butterfly Duo
Justin K Bradley:
Bird in Marsh Grass -Morning Sun
Justin K Bradley:
Tennessee Warbler -
Justin K Bradley:
Greater Yellowlegs Stretching the Wings
Justin K Bradley:
Northern Harrier Hunting
Justin K Bradley:
Harrier with Prey
Justin K Bradley:
Common Yellowthroat Adult Male
Justin K Bradley:
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Female