Just George 2: "If I ignore him, maybe he'll just leave"
Just George 2: "No Ears" Bobby
Just George 2: I miss you, Bobby
Just George 2: Bobby - M.I.A.
Just George 2: Hello, Dad
Just George 2: Found the Fan
Just George 2: O.K. - Maybe not the Last
Just George 2: Still Missing VII
Just George 2: Daydreamin'
Just George 2: "Plum tuckered out"
Just George 2: Stalking
Just George 2: Grazing II
Just George 2: Maintenance V
Just George 2: Yard Patrol
Just George 2: Bobby "Squared"
Just George 2: Bobby being "Serious"
Just George 2: "Guarding" the Flowers
Just George 2: Bird on the Roof
Just George 2: "Stay out of my flowers!"
Just George 2: IMG_16481 2C
Just George 2: Out for a Stroll
Just George 2: "I know you're in there!"
Just George 2: IMG_16348C
Just George 2: Content
Just George 2: "Don't You have anything better to do?" (thanks, Jill)
Just George 2: IMG_16207C
Just George 2: Still Missing :-(
Just George 2: Bobby "adopts" my neck pillow
Just George 2: "Surrounded"