ecolleygist: Recycled - Wooden Wheelbarrow with Passenger.
ecolleygist: Recycled - We have ignition - Rocket
ecolleygist: Recycled - The 50 Euro Greenhouse
ecolleygist: Recycled - The 7 Euro Greenhouse
ecolleygist: Recycled hard-wood doubleglazed window
ecolleygist: Recycled window in outbuilding
ecolleygist: Untreated Pallet wood - Compost bin for dry toilet
ecolleygist: Untreated Pallet wood - Versailles Planter
ecolleygist: Painted pallet wood pyramid rose support
ecolleygist: Compost Kit - Kit Compostage
ecolleygist: A dog's life - Let him live it.
ecolleygist: Home-made wooden pulleys from recycled pallet and fruit cage wood
ecolleygist: Busy making chestnuts
ecolleygist: Chillies (Long Slim Cayenne) drying on our home-made pulley airer
ecolleygist: Dry Toilet Assembly - home-built sewage system
ecolleygist: Assembling the pallet wood door for the dry toilet
ecolleygist: Dismantling Pallets - How to strip down pallets to save maximum useable wood. Démontage des palettes.
ecolleygist: Homemade Green Gifts from Recycled Materials. A is for Apple House. Cadeaux Ecolos Brico.
ecolleygist: Lights! Action! Hammerer! DIY Homemade Green Gifts - Presents from Pallet Wood - B is for Bee Cosy - a gift for the bees and lacewings who make gardening possible. Cadeau-Brico-Ecolo.
ecolleygist: Clock Tower
ecolleygist: Plane to see - C is for Candle Box. Presents from Recycled Pallet Wood. Cadeaux Ecolos Brico.
ecolleygist: Sweet Potato Drop Down Garden Planter
ecolleygist: Home-made Nest Box (Robin) Pallet Project. Nichoir pour rouge-gorge. Nido para aves palets reciclados.
ecolleygist: Free Accommodation - No Mortgage. Pallet Project Bird Box - Nichoir pour mésanges. Nido para aves, palets reciclados
ecolleygist: Personal Postcard - Thanks for almost everything. Créativité des déchets. Reciclaje creativo.
ecolleygist: Shoo-fly shooter - recycled pallet wood rb gun/fly swat. Créativité des déchets. Reciclaje creativo.
ecolleygist: Untreated Pallet Wood Hen House Design & Construction. Poulailler de bois de palette. Gallinero de madera de palet
ecolleygist: Multipurposes of the Home-made Low Cost Greenhouse. Une Serre pour 5 Euros. El Invernadero de 5 euros
ecolleygist: The End of the runway
ecolleygist: Take your seats please! Au petit coin du jardin bio. Fabricación de sanitario seco.