justbelightful: Still summer-y
justbelightful: surface tension
justbelightful: Beech Bud Opening
justbelightful: Swallowtail
justbelightful: Emerging beech leaves
justbelightful: twig and snow
justbelightful: foxy lady
justbelightful: Blue Dasher
justbelightful: Water patterns
justbelightful: the view from the leaf pile (1)
justbelightful: Water lily with honey bee
justbelightful: Nature's Jewels
justbelightful: river sketch
justbelightful: Rahway River Park, NJ
justbelightful: the plant/light connection
justbelightful: frozen twig dancer
justbelightful: Silver Spotted Skipper
justbelightful: killdeer and chick
justbelightful: Leaves and reflected leaves
justbelightful: Green Heron
justbelightful: jewels of the forest floor
justbelightful: Backlight
justbelightful: Red-headed woodpecker with acorn
justbelightful: May Moon
justbelightful: Osprey Lift-off
justbelightful: Eagle with escort
justbelightful: Eagle with red winged blackbird
justbelightful: Ghost in the Night
justbelightful: Ice series