deanosan: Entering Colorado from Nebraska
deanosan: Water running through tunnel
deanosan: Snake in the middle
deanosan: Windsor, CO neighborhood hit by tornado
deanosan: Part of building in Windsor, CO hit by tornado
deanosan: Drunken sign!
deanosan: The gang at Bike Peddler in Greeley, CO
deanosan: 420 in the road
deanosan: Random gigantic rock
deanosan: rocks rock and more rocks
deanosan: more gnats
deanosan: Gnats!
deanosan: It's Guile's hair!
deanosan: close up flying
deanosan: More of the birds
deanosan: Rockies on the horizon.
deanosan: Just starting to see the Rockies
deanosan: Stork?
deanosan: Would love to camp at the top of that!
deanosan: Great view of the rockies
deanosan: Interesting monument of sorts
deanosan: ...more rocky mts
deanosan: More rocky mts
deanosan: Off to the northeast