micagoto: Poor old woman in St. Petersburg, Russia
micagoto: BKG: Boy kissing girl
micagoto: watching you ...
micagoto: style
micagoto: berlin buggy walk
micagoto: un scharf
micagoto: old woman
micagoto: Germany 2008
micagoto: berliner perspektiven
micagoto: kopflos
micagoto: nanunana
micagoto: 2 girls 1 umbrella
micagoto: waiting on the platform
micagoto: business style
micagoto: Businessman, Berlin Hauptbahnhof
micagoto: Yeah!
micagoto: on the streets
micagoto: Take a look in my eyes!
micagoto: Show me the way
micagoto: man machines
micagoto: gay@seattle
micagoto: romantic scene
micagoto: busy
micagoto: berlin women
micagoto: step by step
micagoto: passing by
micagoto: gare
micagoto: neuköllner schlucht
micagoto: les miserables
micagoto: drugs needed