Dread Pirate Jeff:
Aldon and Dana
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Mr. Smooth
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Staring off
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Leslie Sheridan
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Dancing gang
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Mick the Photog
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Getting Crazy
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Matt and Leslie
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Family Ties
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Matt and Leslie Cheese
Dread Pirate Jeff:
A Candi Surprise
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Throwing the Bouquet
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Searching for the Garter
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Urban Cowboy
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Giddy Up!
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Dance Fever
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Sorry, this was just plain HAWT
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Dana explains the universe
Dread Pirate Jeff:
The Old Guy can still Get Down!
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Boogie Down
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Yee Ha!
Dread Pirate Jeff:
The Dip
Dread Pirate Jeff:
A Funny Picture?
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Matt and Leslie Sheridan - Newlyweds
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Oh Yeah!
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Three Girls Dance
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Darth Papa
Dread Pirate Jeff:
Father of the Bride
Dread Pirate Jeff:
They Really Could Dance