Dread Pirate Jeff: Pug in the Parade
Dread Pirate Jeff: This is MY Peanut Butter!
Dread Pirate Jeff: Mmmm.... Peanut Butter!!
Dread Pirate Jeff: Guarding the Prize
Dread Pirate Jeff: Innocent
Dread Pirate Jeff: Worn Out
Dread Pirate Jeff: Patches, the Border Collie Mix
Dread Pirate Jeff: Jazzy Wants a Cookie
Dread Pirate Jeff: Jazz, Wet and Happy
Dread Pirate Jeff: Jazz, after a bath
Dread Pirate Jeff: Jazzy, embarassed
Dread Pirate Jeff: Best dog I ever knew
Dread Pirate Jeff: Patches the Border Collie
Dread Pirate Jeff: Faith Sleeping
Dread Pirate Jeff: Jack's Hidey Hole
Dread Pirate Jeff: Patches curled up