Jus'fi: waiting for the day .......
Jus'fi: a bit of a blue view!
Jus'fi: 'select' a one legg'ed pigeon put him in a hole and call it his castle!
Jus'fi: passage of time
Jus'fi: dream of riding the sands of time
Jus'fi: Dawning of a Blue Era
Jus'fi: The Cure
Jus'fi: Waiting in the darkness for the sun to rise
Jus'fi: Jus'not sure i wanna come right out today!;p
Jus'fi: Green Peeper....... actually should call it Green Creeper as it is a bit of a Creepy Crop! ;p
Jus'fi: Gotta little bee' hind wandering in Wales
Jus'fi: One man,one dog and the sea at their feet
Jus'fi: Absolutely barking!!;p
Jus'fi: jus'lose yourself in thought
Jus'fi: No I haven't drowned Seb.....just don't want to bore you every day with his antic's
Jus'fi: Jus' another clematis but a pink and white one this time.... a bit of a shady character though!
Jus'fi: High Climber
Jus'fi: Glare
Jus'fi: Loads of daisies!!
Jus'fi: Mask
Jus'fi: Tiffany
Jus'fi: Dahlia
Jus'fi: Jus'a view from a window
Jus'fi: a little luna see
Jus'fi: A portrait of a daisy in Black and White
Jus'fi: Three and a bit not so little welsh thingys
Jus'fi: A day in the street life of a seagull
Jus'fi: Jus' Clematis
Jus'fi: I came all this way and no Captain Jack Harkness!!:o(