jurlacher: Gazebo
jurlacher: Gazebo (2)
jurlacher: Gazebo (3)
jurlacher: Path through the Trees
jurlacher: Path through the Trees
jurlacher: Trees!
jurlacher: Ruth in the Garden
jurlacher: Tending the Hedges
jurlacher: Ruth in the Garden (2)
jurlacher: Lily Pads
jurlacher: Weeping Willow
jurlacher: Ruth in the Garden (3)
jurlacher: Bridge in the Garden
jurlacher: Ruth on the Bridge
jurlacher: Ruth on the Bridge (2)
jurlacher: Stove
jurlacher: Another Stove
jurlacher: The Scary Door
jurlacher: Garden Path
jurlacher: Staff Residence
jurlacher: More Ivy
jurlacher: Ivy and Hedges
jurlacher: Fancy Hedges
jurlacher: Staff Residence (2)
jurlacher: Flower Pods
jurlacher: Snail on a Stalk
jurlacher: Ruth in the Green
jurlacher: Food Garden
jurlacher: Little Duck
jurlacher: Little Duck (2)