junquegrrl: banana cake with whipped cream-cream cheese frosting
junquegrrl: setting out the food
junquegrrl: birthday girl
junquegrrl: Debbie F., Violet & Alex R.
junquegrrl: eating & chatting
junquegrrl: Dennis & July brought strawberries & homebrew!!
junquegrrl: Debbie F., Violet, Grandpa
junquegrrl: Carmen's girls loved Violet & the feeling was mutual :-)
junquegrrl: Carmen's girls loved Violet & the feeling was mutual :-)
junquegrrl: Violet, Debbie F., Kerren B. - opening gifts
junquegrrl: Dennis D. & July L.; David, Alex, Carmen & Dru R.
junquegrrl: Debbie, Violet, Kerren
junquegrrl: bocce
junquegrrl: opening gifts
junquegrrl: Dru kept score for the bocce players
junquegrrl: minimal lawn decor
junquegrrl: Dru keeping score
junquegrrl: yay! nearly everything got eaten :)
junquegrrl: Violet & Kerren
junquegrrl: miss V
junquegrrl: it's root beer. and only a drop at that. put down the phone to CPS
junquegrrl: IMG_2278
junquegrrl: bocce
junquegrrl: David & Carmen R.
junquegrrl: root beer
junquegrrl: petting Naomi
junquegrrl: petting Naomi
junquegrrl: "strobbies"
junquegrrl: "strobbies"
junquegrrl: playing the bathtub toys she got from Debbie