nara bobo: DSC_4202.JPG
nara bobo: DSC_4238.JPG
nara bobo: DSC_4243.JPG
nara bobo: DSC_4266.JPG
nara bobo: strong baby
nara bobo: Sugar baby, the pony
nara bobo: xmas pony ride at Flora and Henri
nara bobo: didn't turn out well.
nara bobo: the beautiful Flora and Henri
nara bobo: DSC_4401.JPG
nara bobo: CIMG0599.JPG
nara bobo: CIMG0602.JPG
nara bobo: under the table
nara bobo: daddy's slipper bits any toys
nara bobo: New Year's Day
nara bobo: standing by herself
nara bobo: Nara's new bedding
nara bobo: DSC_6664
nara bobo: Nara's new bedding