Memento: The Reason for the Season
Memento: Forget all the Dieting Resolutions
Memento: Kainan Na
Memento: Arianne gets her Look Alike - Dora!
Memento: Swapping Pinoy VCDs
Memento: Who's Seen Dubai???
Memento: That's Mine Tito Rolly
Memento: Marielle Thanks Tita Mitzi
Memento: Happy New Year
Memento: Playing Himself?
Memento: Bouquet of Bubblies
Memento: Bubbly
Memento: Ready for the Toast
Memento: Here's To...
Memento: To The Host!
Memento: Here's to more Celebrations in 2006!
Memento: Clink Clink
Memento: Reviewing for the Exams?
Memento: Asan si Juliana Palermo???
Memento: Hahaha
Memento: Quarter Turns Please