junkieforyourlove: WIP WOL 2788 stitches completed this week
junkieforyourlove: WIP WOL 9/6/2011
junkieforyourlove: WOL WIP 9/19/2011
junkieforyourlove: WIP WOL 7/9/12
junkieforyourlove: WOL WIP 7/16/12
junkieforyourlove: WIP WOL 7/23/12
junkieforyourlove: WIP 7/30/2012 I had to start my swap this week, but guess what I did instead. Feeling guilty.
junkieforyourlove: Back into the plastic tube. I promise it won't be a year again. WIP WOL 8/3/2012