Junglelure: Tender moments between mom and baby...
Junglelure: Karma is keeping a watchful eye on her kitten as he explores the living room.
Junglelure: Karma keeps a close eye on her baby
Junglelure: Coral snuggles with Karma after the kitten is born
Junglelure: Karma and her new kitten take a much needed nap
Junglelure: Karma snuggles with her newborn kitten while Coral puts on a show of affection
Junglelure: It was amazing to watch the comradery between Karma and the other females right after the kitten was born
Junglelure: Angel keeps an eye on the kitten while Karma goes for a food and litterbox break
Junglelure: Karma with the kitten at 1 week old
Junglelure: 10 days old
Junglelure: Rosetted boy at almost 2 weeks old
Junglelure: Tender moments between mom and baby...
Junglelure: At two weeks old the fuzzy hairs start to develop. In the wild this trait helps to mask the bold patterns of the young kittens to help shield them from predators.
Junglelure: It only took a couple "meaningful meows" for the kitten to run back and check in with his mother. (If only our kids listened like this!)
Junglelure: At 4 weeks old Karma's kitten wants to explore, but mom still isn't ready for him to go to far from her side.
Junglelure: This kitten is having fun running circles around his worried mom.