Junglelure: Scales of Homosassa, FL
Junglelure: Lynx of Homosassa, FL
Junglelure: Yogi as a young kitten
Junglelure: Yogi, Old Homosassa
Junglelure: Outstanding Baby Boy, Floral City, FL
Junglelure: Maya, Queen of Riverside Resort, Homosassa, FL
Junglelure: Scales and Lynx
Junglelure: DSC00015
Junglelure: Who, me?
Junglelure: Hmm, Something not right?
Junglelure: Yogi and friends
Junglelure: Willow: Seal Lynx Point with Big Blue Eyes
Junglelure: Willow and spotted kitten get acquainted
Junglelure: Willow OCT 5, 2005
Junglelure: Willow with her first litter, Born 7-7-2006
Junglelure: Scales Oct 10 2006
Junglelure: Maya with kitten
Junglelure: Maya and Lil Bob Cat Kitty
Junglelure: Bob Cat Kitty, Brooksville, FL
Junglelure: Finally commandeered the dog bed!
Junglelure: And they just keep coming!
Junglelure: Yogi at 6 weeks old
Junglelure: Yogi at 6 weeks old
Junglelure: Litter of all spots!
Junglelure: Those eyes!
Junglelure: Basket of toys
Junglelure: Baby Lexie