Simone's Kitchen: Waiting for the food to appear on these nice wooden planks
Simone's Kitchen: Ah.. I love me a good brownie!
Simone's Kitchen: Gizmo relaxing on set
Simone's Kitchen: Ah melon salad but do I see feta cheese in there?
Simone's Kitchen: I see chicken, I see chicken!
Simone's Kitchen: Ah... love ricotta!
Simone's Kitchen: Where is the food?!
Simone's Kitchen: Ugghhrr.. asparagus... Don't like that!
Simone's Kitchen: 20090608-5435
Simone's Kitchen: Can someone lift that teatowel behind me? Wanna see what's in the bowl!
Simone's Kitchen: I see chicken again!
Simone's Kitchen: Do you think there is something in there for me too?
Simone's Kitchen: Ah... dessert...
Simone's Kitchen: Vinaigrette???
Simone's Kitchen: Goatcheese!
Simone's Kitchen: Diving right in!