jungle mama: Iguana shedding skin on its tail and getting larger!
jungle mama: Arboreal, yes. Green bellied Iguana sunning on gold leafed branch
jungle mama: Iguana has turned and is watching my pond
jungle mama: Iguana outside my bedroom window this morning!
jungle mama: Armored green skin of an Iguana... out of space in my back yard
jungle mama: Iguana climbs out of sunlit rushes
jungle mama: 14 inch Cuban Knight Anole playing peek a boo with me behind a Palm Tree
jungle mama: Sea Grape and bright green Anole
jungle mama: Do you see the iguana?
jungle mama: Green toned Basilisk lizard can run on water! The Jesus Christ Lizard
jungle mama: Iguana crouching on shady Screwpine
jungle mama: Iguana stealing lettuce from our new garden
jungle mama: Shady Iguana camouflaged in Screwpine tree
jungle mama: Green Iguana and his splendid coat of mail
jungle mama: Screwpines silhouette lake at Fairchild
jungle mama: Green Iguanas glancing back at me
jungle mama: Quiet but not quiet enough... Iguana stepping off!
jungle mama: Great orange Otto in shadows
jungle mama: Apparently prehistoric green Iguana in sun and shade
jungle mama: Iguana up close... other worldly beast!
jungle mama: Iguana outside waterfall temple
jungle mama: It's cold and Iguanas are falling out of the trees!
jungle mama: My "dead iguana" is no longer dead! Sun revived him.
jungle mama: Green Iguana cloaked in rusty bromeliad
jungle mama: Dewlap of Golden Iguana
jungle mama: Armored Iguana sunning beside the pond
jungle mama: Golden Iguana nibbling a strand of grass
jungle mama: Golden Iguana clutches branch
jungle mama: Iguana by my pond