jungle mama:
Cannonballs hang alongside anemone like flowers
jungle mama:
Cannonball flowers erupt from stems on the lower trunk of the tree
jungle mama:
Extraordinary Cannonball cluster!
jungle mama:
Cannonball cluster and the bees are swarming!
jungle mama:
Cannonball flower looks like an underwater beauty
jungle mama:
Beyond exotic...outrageous Cannonball tree and flowers!
jungle mama:
Curvaceous sunlit Cannonball flower looks like it belongs underwater
jungle mama:
The abstract world deep inside a Cannonball flower
jungle mama:
Fuzzy-edged Cannonball flower... more abstract than real!
jungle mama:
Cannonball Tree blossoms hang from stems that emerge from the trunk
jungle mama:
Spring... the Cannonball Tree is blooming again
jungle mama:
Outrageous Cannonball Tree... buds and flowers
jungle mama:
The shadowy world of the giant Cannonball tree
jungle mama:
The strange and exotic blossom of the Cannonball tree
jungle mama:
Exotic coral-like Cannonball flowers!
jungle mama:
Bee collecting Cannonball pollen
jungle mama:
Morning light streaming through exotic Cannonball flower
jungle mama:
Green Anole clinging to Cannonball bud balances with his tail
jungle mama:
Cannonball flower... or purple and gold anemone?
jungle mama:
Green Anole exploring Cannonball flowers
jungle mama:
Agama agama on Cannonball tree in fragrant bloom!
jungle mama:
Brown Anole isn't striped. It's shedding its skin!
jungle mama:
Before the exotic... Cannonball tree bud is about to open!
jungle mama:
Cannonball flower has emerged into what appears to be an underwater world
jungle mama:
Underwater looking Cannonball flowers
jungle mama:
Outrageous Cannonball buds and flowers
jungle mama:
So fragrant you can't pass by Cannonball flowers without stopping!
jungle mama:
The strange and exotic Cannonball flower!
jungle mama:
Erotic Cannonball flower emerges into the light from shadowy trunk
jungle mama:
All that's left... the back of a Cannonball flower fallen to the ground