jungle mama: Palais des congres de Montreal on a foggy afternoon
jungle mama: Old Mission Brewery's golden Chinese flavored mural
jungle mama: Reflected blessings of Kuan Yin and Notre Dame Cathedral
jungle mama: Horse-drawn carriage waits outside Basilica
jungle mama: Notre Dame Basilica and starlit tree
jungle mama: Christmas angel of Notre Dame Cathedral
jungle mama: Red and white candles burn in devotion
jungle mama: Interior glories of Notre Dame Basilica
jungle mama: Christmas trees and wreaths deck shop front
jungle mama: Elf riding egg beater in Christmas window
jungle mama: Reflected world of a Tibetan skull mask
jungle mama: Skulls surround colorful Tibetan mask with large ears
jungle mama: Cast black Buddha with white beads
jungle mama: Curvaceous teeth of a Chinese Foo Dog
jungle mama: Elegant folds of porcelain wrap Kuan Yin as she holds green vase
jungle mama: Goddess inside looking outside at Notre Dame Basilica
jungle mama: Wispy and even more magical crowned wood figure
jungle mama: SMILE till your FACE hurts
jungle mama: Backlit glass Buddha glows in a shop window
jungle mama: Blue silk tunic and multi-colored beads adorn this holy man
jungle mama: Notre Dame Cathedral reflected in silken tapestry
jungle mama: Golden glow of Buddha draped in white
jungle mama: Reflections on a reflective golden Buddha
jungle mama: A sunny casa for the menu too!
jungle mama: Sunny Christmas welcome to Casa de Mateo!
jungle mama: Christmas-adorned St. Suplice Hotel Montreal
jungle mama: Snow covered Gate to Chinatown Montreal
jungle mama: Leaving Chinatown and entering downtown Montreal
jungle mama: Foo dog at Gate to Chinatown Montreal
jungle mama: Chez Chili... red hot pepper in Chinatown Montreal