jungle mama: Rosy colors of cut Surinam cherry trunk
jungle mama: Owl eyes and ripe starfruit
jungle mama: Rose Apples are ripe... but a squirrel beat me to them!
jungle mama: Antidesma bunius... does it taste sweet to you?
jungle mama: Red Pineapple has leaves with threatening razor-sharp edges
jungle mama: Rosy stemmed Cocoplum after the rain
jungle mama: Beautyberry in all its glory!
jungle mama: Mini Pineapple ... beautiful but dangerous!
jungle mama: Mini Pineapple ... a study in prickly pastels
jungle mama: Mini Pineapple erupting in tiny pink and purple flowers
jungle mama: Surinam Cherry flowers are exploding!
jungle mama: Spring ... Sapodilla is leafing
jungle mama: Red Pineapple is heading for the sun
jungle mama: Ah, delicious! Mouse eating ripe Papaya
jungle mama: Mouse eating Papaya with tail wrapped around trunk for support!
jungle mama: Lipstick Tree or Bixa orellana
jungle mama: Bees feast on Banana nectar
jungle mama: Striped honey bees feast on Banana nectar
jungle mama: Deep red Banana flower will produce fruit hanging down
jungle mama: Dill seeds forming
jungle mama: Sugar Apples are ripening
jungle mama: Cocoplums are ripening!
jungle mama: Florida shrub with white flower
jungle mama: Wet Pink bananas
jungle mama: Dragon Fruit is blooming!
jungle mama: Young bananas are forming
jungle mama: Beautyberry cluster less one
jungle mama: Glowing Cranberry Hibiscus and golden pollen
jungle mama: Cacao pods ... chocolate is on the way!
jungle mama: Tiny bananas are forming