jungle mama:
Ripe Beautyberries are popping open!
jungle mama:
Have you ever eaten Gac?
jungle mama:
Ackee. The life and death key is... is it ripe?
jungle mama:
Dried Lotus leaves, black shadows and sky blue
jungle mama:
Glowing Roselle blossom and leaves... beautiful to look at and delicious to sip!
jungle mama:
Radiant pink banana flower with golden center
jungle mama:
The wonders of color...an elegant Banana bud
jungle mama:
The unfolding... red banana flower and tiny bananas incubating inside
jungle mama:
Red banana bud and flowers hang down as the bunch forms
jungle mama:
Deep red Banana bud and a profusion of tiny forming fruit
jungle mama:
Banana flowers... a colorful and brilliant nature composition
jungle mama:
Brilliant red orange banana flower
jungle mama:
Lotus leaf and stem... faithfulness and transformation
jungle mama:
Ackee... healthy and nutritious? Or toxic and poisonous?
jungle mama:
My fruity friend George... Ackee for a pirate's ear!
jungle mama:
Persimmons orange in and out. Mamey Sapote orange in but not out
jungle mama:
Coconut, Loofah and Gac... a strange and exotic medley
jungle mama:
Bananas, Persimmons and Sapotes... Mother Nature in tropical abundance
jungle mama:
Bananas and coconuts... purple and orange stalks and stems
jungle mama:
Coconuts float ready to be cut and sipped at the Ramble
jungle mama:
Jackfruit... too big to get your arms around!
jungle mama:
Elephant Apple... an exotic and curvaceous green fruit
jungle mama:
Jabaticaba is green and growing
jungle mama:
Mangoes waiting for a hungry passerby
jungle mama:
Cashew apple and nut hanging below
jungle mama:
Cashews are in bloom
jungle mama:
Owl nectaring on ripening fruit
jungle mama:
Caper pod has popped open revealing red pulp and white seeds
jungle mama:
Caper twisting to pop out final seeds
jungle mama:
Freak of nature... triple Persimmon!