jungle mama: Ruby hills near Aspen
jungle mama: White clouds and Aspen mountains
jungle mama: Picture or Video 516
jungle mama: Rushing stream and rocks in Aspen
jungle mama: ASPEN 07 Albert 079
jungle mama: Boulders have been worn smooth by roaring stream
jungle mama: Jungle Mama at work in an Apsen river
jungle mama: Rapidly flowing water cuts hole in stone
jungle mama: The polishing power of water... Colorado
jungle mama: Water-smoothed boulders near Aspen
jungle mama: Constant polishing of a roaring stream
jungle mama: Water-worn boulders in a rushing stream near Aspen
jungle mama: A fissure in granite
jungle mama: Mossy-walled ice cave Indians used to store food in summer
jungle mama: Glacial rocks stand in place near Aspen
jungle mama: Granite erupting between glaciers
jungle mama: Mother Nature's ornamentations on stone
jungle mama: Worm patterns in drying wood
jungle mama: Bark layers scultpure
jungle mama: Aspen... worn patterns in wood
jungle mama: Fence and its shadow
jungle mama: Picture or Video 576
jungle mama: Picture or Video 571
jungle mama: Picture or Video 575
jungle mama: Susan at work in Aspen amidst fence shadows
jungle mama: Picture or Video 616
jungle mama: Aspen Music Festival
jungle mama: Day2 099
jungle mama: Female body or Aspen tree?
jungle mama: New cut in Aspen bark