N@ncyLee: Selfie en noir/blanc
N@ncyLee: Street life in china
N@ncyLee: antique street vendor
N@ncyLee: Scene at tradition market
N@ncyLee: cat on island
N@ncyLee: Couple in old town
N@ncyLee: Through your eyes
N@ncyLee: Street shot in wuhan,china
N@ncyLee: fruit woman
N@ncyLee: Summer afternoon
N@ncyLee: Food court in china
N@ncyLee: Stampede festival park
N@ncyLee: farmer market in calgary
N@ncyLee: smiling little girl
N@ncyLee: summer fun in Calgary
N@ncyLee: 2old ladies , Jardin - Antiquia
N@ncyLee: what i saw in playa blanca-cartagena
N@ncyLee: F1050036
N@ncyLee: comuna13-San Javier
N@ncyLee: Just walk around the town, mi Jardin.
N@ncyLee: Lady in the afternoon
N@ncyLee: street shot in china
N@ncyLee: Random street shot at comuna13-San Javier
N@ncyLee: keep it simple , surf more !
N@ncyLee: bogota-1050013
N@ncyLee: factory workers in snow world
N@ncyLee: 彌勒 &人
N@ncyLee: Miao in south china湘西
N@ncyLee: lunch time in Guatapé