jhhymas: SPS Unknown dog02
jhhymas: Two cute babies on the grass03
jhhymas: Unknown couple04
jhhymas: SPS Hazel in figured dress with fence
jhhymas: Woman with boys by stone wall
jhhymas: Two cute babies on the grass02
jhhymas: Susie Redd Butler, Parley Redd and Effie Redd Jamieson, siblings
jhhymas: SPS Unknown couple05
jhhymas: Two cute babies on the grass01
jhhymas: Two cute babies on the grass
jhhymas: Unknown couple03
jhhymas: Unknown couple02
jhhymas: SPS My kind of guy: glasses, a book, and are those binoculars?
jhhymas: Mystery gal
jhhymas: ParleyRedd with a rug
jhhymas: Stewart
jhhymas: SPS Child in white, Merwin, Louise, boy in overalls, Hazel
jhhymas: SPS J T Butler, man?, Louise, woman?, Susie, Hazel, dog
jhhymas: Pretty Juanita, whoever you are
jhhymas: Nadine02
jhhymas: Nadine01
jhhymas: Photograph by Coles
jhhymas: Lemuel Douglas Jamieson and Merwin Butler
jhhymas: SPS More friends04
jhhymas: More friends03
jhhymas: More friends02
jhhymas: More friends01
jhhymas: More friends
jhhymas: SPS Hazel in sailor hat and scarf with woman in coat
jhhymas: SPS Woman in a pointed hat