jhhymas: famphosm
jhhymas: For the love of dogs
jhhymas: Melo; a Real Water Softener--makes all water rain water
jhhymas: A likeness of my grandpa
jhhymas: Tanner Sketches his grandfather, Scott
jhhymas: LuellaMonaScannerLvl
jhhymas: Kimberli 6 months
jhhymas: Kimberli 6 months 2
jhhymas: Kim grad 150
jhhymas: Scott. Todd. Lucille RGB
jhhymas: In Idaho mountains, Mona, Lu on horseback and sheep camp helper posing with gun, circa 1929
jhhymas: Lu and sheep center up
jhhymas: Brothers and dog
jhhymas: Scott with our children Kimberli and Bradford; Christmastime at Aunt Mona's
jhhymas: Scott and Mona w parents
jhhymas: Scott and Mona w parents in landscape
jhhymas: Kipp Matthews Hymas 1934-1943
jhhymas: Jeannine's class
jhhymas: Luella Hymas and her 3 children
jhhymas: Luella and 3 children full
jhhymas: Jeannine's ghost crop
jhhymas: Scott smiles crp
jhhymas: Scott and Kipp on lawn
jhhymas: Sim and Lu crpBW2400.tif
jhhymas: Sim and Lu crp autoCLR1600.tif
jhhymas: More Dudes: Somebody and Simpson at right
jhhymas: Luella Matthews Hymas 1897-1973
jhhymas: Scott hand colored 400
jhhymas: Madison holding Rylka-pylka-poo
jhhymas: Looking through the Green