jhhymas: DSCF1100badlands
jhhymas: DSCF1103
jhhymas: DSCF1113
jhhymas: DSCF1114xxx
jhhymas: DSCF1132
jhhymas: Highway rest stop masquerades as gasoline station
jhhymas: Video Surveillance By
jhhymas: Self portrait with video surveillance
jhhymas: P1250327xxxx
jhhymas: P1250334luk
jhhymas: Distant temple of corn
jhhymas: P1250359
jhhymas: Fence to keep tourists from falling into the chasm
jhhymas: P1250376xxx
jhhymas: P1250377shad
jhhymas: P1250402satalltheway
jhhymas: P1250404xxx
jhhymas: The Badlands at the end of October
jhhymas: P1250423juniperberries
jhhymas: P1250424
jhhymas: DSCF1145cccc
jhhymas: DSCF1158
jhhymas: P1250449luk
jhhymas: P1250467
jhhymas: P1250467 piksatshrp
jhhymas: P1250469
jhhymas: P1250483lukcrpsqu
jhhymas: P1250486luk
jhhymas: P1250487luk