jhhymas: Shapes and shadow
jhhymas: IMG_5687radialsimp
jhhymas: IMG_5738bw
jhhymas: IMG_5738xx
jhhymas: Pack goat demonstration walk
jhhymas: IMG_5743xxx
jhhymas: Browse
jhhymas: One side of the street, downtown Wolverine, MI
jhhymas: The pack goat doesn't like to wait outside the store
jhhymas: Pack goat
jhhymas: Goat Portrait
jhhymas: IMG_5736trans up midvio
jhhymas: buZZed
jhhymas: PS Graphic Pen Filter
jhhymas: Nik Copper
jhhymas: IMG_5727jjj
jhhymas: IMG_5726vvbb
jhhymas: IMG_5726vv
jhhymas: Less is more . . .
jhhymas: IMG_5726simp3
jhhymas: Less is more, same song different verse