jhhymas: San Diego Birds
jhhymas: Pier Pelican, probaly photographed hundreds of times!
jhhymas: Levering Rooster
jhhymas: Nice Hat
jhhymas: The mother dove
jhhymas: This one's in clover
jhhymas: Leaping diorama!
jhhymas: Quite early one morning . . .
jhhymas: Deer and spotted fawn
jhhymas: Sleeping dachshunds
jhhymas: IMG_0369 mon morn
jhhymas: IMG_0369 clr infr
jhhymas: IMG_0369 duplexj
jhhymas: Showing off
jhhymas: San Diego Birds crp bw
jhhymas: The lilypond crane
jhhymas: Pond inhabitants
jhhymas: (Not a, see below) Painted turtle in June sun
jhhymas: The mallard joins his mate
jhhymas: another turtle
jhhymas: IMG_0107
jhhymas: Gull, Bucks Lake
jhhymas: IMG_0017u
jhhymas: Molly the white mule and her cart
jhhymas: Molly the white mule
jhhymas: Kimberli in sulky with Molly, IMG_0155mod
jhhymas: Paul's Fish Market
jhhymas: PICT0156
jhhymas: He floats
jhhymas: He floats BW