JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Valentine's Day Cupid Ornament by lindasilverthorne
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Valentine's Day Cupid Ornament by lindasilverthorne
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Cupid Angel by lindasilverthorne
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
LUV by lindasilverthorne
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Lucy likes Love and Kisses
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Pinky likes Hugs and Kisses
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Hannah like Hughs and Kisses
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Hannah like "Hugs and Kisses"
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Valentine Cutie Pie
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Valentine Cutie Pie
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Hildy likes "Hugs and Kisses"
JuneBugs by LindaSilverthorne:
Harriet wants a "Hug"