bateskobashigawa: The Lodge and Pansy Cottage
bateskobashigawa: Roses at the Nucleus
bateskobashigawa: The Nucleus, side entrance
bateskobashigawa: La famille Kobashigawa-Bates
bateskobashigawa: Ben, with pick
bateskobashigawa: A stunned deer fly
bateskobashigawa: Ben on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: SIsters on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Snee on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Ben with a garden hose
bateskobashigawa: Smoothie
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: O's 2nd birthday
bateskobashigawa: Mother and son
bateskobashigawa: Photographer
bateskobashigawa: Another beautiful sunset
bateskobashigawa: Lorin and Andy
bateskobashigawa: Scamp, Andy & Jun-Dai
bateskobashigawa: Family photo
bateskobashigawa: Ben on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Stasia on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Bebo on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Roo on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Jackson on the Lodge porch
bateskobashigawa: Getting ready to say goodbye to the KB family