jun-ta: trunk of the tree
jun-ta: Secret place
jun-ta: dense forest
jun-ta: chestnut
jun-ta: Root of chinquapin tree
jun-ta: Swamp with frog
jun-ta: the rainy season 「梅雨」
jun-ta: Foliage season
jun-ta: Mt. Fuji a symbol of Japan.
jun-ta: autumnal scenery
jun-ta: 姥桜
jun-ta: Water sky
jun-ta: Drops of rain splashed on the spiderweb.
jun-ta: Microcosm
jun-ta: Mt Fuji
jun-ta: 「千条の滝」
jun-ta: Fall colors.
jun-ta: Tiled roof.
jun-ta: Foliage season.
jun-ta: fallen leaves
jun-ta: Maple leaf.
jun-ta: Look in the pond.
jun-ta: Late autumn 「晩秋」
jun-ta: The white cloud and the blue sky.
jun-ta: Waterdrop
jun-ta: Waterdrop
jun-ta: Waterdrop
jun-ta: Waterdrop
jun-ta: tree frog
jun-ta: Foliage season.