jun-ta: sunflower
jun-ta: in the park
jun-ta: water lily
jun-ta: light violet
jun-ta: cosmos
jun-ta: blooms at sunset
jun-ta: Rain lily
jun-ta: The butterfly rested lightly on the flower
jun-ta: full bloom
jun-ta: Toward the sun
jun-ta: suck nectar from a flower
jun-ta: SAKURA 「櫻」
jun-ta: Warm and sunny day.
jun-ta: Flowers along the wayside.
jun-ta: Hydrangea 「紫陽花」
jun-ta: Water lily 「睡蓮」
jun-ta: Poppy 「雛罌粟」
jun-ta: Iris 「菖蒲」
jun-ta: Cosmos is blooming.
jun-ta: A bunch of sunflower.
jun-ta: Spider lily 「曼珠沙華」
jun-ta: Spider lily 「曼珠沙華」
jun-ta: Cosmos 「秋桜」
jun-ta: 二輪
jun-ta: TSUBAKI(ツバキ)
jun-ta: Roses 「薔薇」
jun-ta: Bee's Hunny Hunt.
jun-ta: Lotus flower