jump for joy2010:
The Boat House
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Woodie pecking
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Wind-Up Scampateer!
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Treats for the Rarest Geese in the world
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Telling Stories
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Black Metal
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Rook~Corvus frugilegus
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close-up to a Rook
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Feeding the duck
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Sid at Slimbridge
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A Tight Squeeze
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South American Dabbling Ducks
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Couple in a hurry
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Red Shoveler~Anas Platalea
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Greedy little feeders!
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Enjoying the sunshine
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Spotted Whistling Duck~Dendrocygna Guttata or maybe a West Indian Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna Arborea?
jump for joy2010:
Spotted Whistling Duck~Dendrocygna Guttata or maybe a West Indian Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna Arborea?
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Red-billed Teal~Anas Erythrorhyncha
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making little ripples
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Andean Goose~ Chloephaga Melanoptera
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Dripping Nose
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Flamingos at Slimbridge
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jump for joy2010:
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jump for joy2010:
Hawaiian Goose or Nene~ Branta Sandvicensis
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BIM and his mate