julochka: 1/11.2014 - bath time.
julochka: 2/11.2014 - attack cat
julochka: 3/11.2014 - the scene at my desk
julochka: 4/11.2014 - ready for a fantastic evening! #kunstsalon #creagive
julochka: 5/11.2014 - pretty bird
julochka: 6/11.2014 - I like the way our school thinks. #nosignslikethisingive #resourcestærkeforældre
julochka: 7/11.2014 - so warm, the fairytale mushrooms continue
julochka: 7/11.2014 - Brande beats Give once again.
julochka: 8/11.2014 - playing dress up.
julochka: 8/11.2014 - teenagers
julochka: 8/7.2014 - spiraling
julochka: 8/11.2014 - who doesn't need a blue hippo costume?
julochka: 9/11.2014 - afternoon walk
julochka: 10/11.2014 - he's already wondering where emily went.
julochka: 11/11.2014 - not taking selfies while driving. nuh-uh.
julochka: 12/11.2014 - this is about as light as it got today . #nofilter
julochka: 13/11.2014 yet another dark, wet, grey November day in Denmark
julochka: 14/11.2014 - I <3 cows with bangs
julochka: 14/11.2014 - it would appear husband acquired a second tractor when I wasn't looking.
julochka: 15/11.2014 - drink & draw
julochka: 16/11.2014 - it's been that kind of day. #lazysunday
julochka: 17/11.2014 - naturally black & white - or should i say grey?
julochka: 18/11.2014 - dining table reality.
julochka: 19/11.2014 - serious.
julochka: 20/11.2014 - he still doesn't have a name
julochka: 21/11.2014 - indeed. #thelongjourneybegins
julochka: 21/11.2014 - how we laughed over this
julochka: 22/11.2014 - the day that will live in infamy
julochka: 22/11.2014 - comfort antiquing
julochka: 22/11.2014 - hangin' out in the cooler at Kuip's. #asonedoes