julochka: 1/10.2014 - it's been far too long!! #SAS #flymeaway
julochka: 2/10.2014 - seriously awesome cup of drip coffee. #seattleknowscoffee #thinkimightstay
julochka: 3/10.2014 - BrickCON 2014
julochka: 4/10.2014 - now that's a breakfast
julochka: 4/10.2014 - Echo
julochka: 5/10.2014 - invasion!
julochka: 5/10.2014 - chihuly
julochka: 6/10.2014 - first time in NYC!!
julochka: 7/10.2014 - nyc selfie!
julochka: 7/10.2014 - times square
julochka: 8/10.2014 - dork in new york
julochka: 8/10.2014 - MiN New York
julochka: 8/10.2014 - top of the rock
julochka: 9/10.2014 - Bionicle, baby!
julochka: 10/10.2014 - <3 this day
julochka: 10/10.2014 - a beautiful visit with an old friend
julochka: 10/10.2014 - blog camp fun in NYC!
julochka: 10/10.2014 - empire state
julochka: 11/10.2014 - ambitious graffiti on the highline
julochka: 11/10.2014 - photographing wonder woman
julochka: 11/10.2014 - a woman and her dog
julochka: 12/10.2014 - central park
julochka: 12/10.2014 - fragment at the Museum of Arts and Design
julochka: 12/10.2014 - gorgeous piece by Joyce Scott
julochka: 13/10.2014 - pumpkin beer with a cinnamon sugar rim. #asonedoes
julochka: 13/10.2014 - I wonder if this purple chair would fit in my suitcase?
julochka: 13/10.2014 - best. scent. ever.
julochka: 16/10.2014 - last day in NYC
julochka: 17/10.2014 - ending the way it began.
julochka: 18/10.2014 - kittens!