julochka: tables all set.
julochka: tables all set.
julochka: you had to try to find the LEGO version of you to find out where you were sitting.
julochka: table setting
julochka: it was enough wine.
julochka: and now with balloons.
julochka: party in a sawmill
julochka: welcome drinks.
julochka: the Segways were a big hit.
julochka: i think most everyone tried them.
julochka: chatting
julochka: Christian got the hang of them right away and then served as the teacher for those of us who had a bit more trouble figuring them out.
julochka: segway
julochka: segway
julochka: segway
julochka: Viggo Nørtoft set speed records (of course). :-)
julochka: husband tries out the segway
julochka: Knud also got into the act.
julochka: and I missed the shot of his rather spectacular fall.
julochka: Husband tried as well.
julochka: husband on the Segway
julochka: husband on the Segway
julochka: husband on the Segway
julochka: husband on the Segway
julochka: Tho' stopping was a bit of a challenge.
julochka: Races were had.
julochka: Time for the speech!
julochka: Husband's speech
julochka: The guests
julochka: The guests