julochka: nettles
julochka: new baby dandelion leaves
julochka: adding nettle hummus to the list of things we will make again
julochka: teeny tiny asparagus are showing their heads
julochka: edible?
julochka: edible?
julochka: edible?
julochka: false morels
julochka: false morel in situ
julochka: false morels
julochka: false morel
julochka: do not eat raw
julochka: more false morels
julochka: false morels seem to like the fallen pinecone habitat
julochka: false morel in better light
julochka: 16/4.2012 - nettle gnocchi
julochka: 30/4.2012 - sunshine
julochka: violet still life
julochka: first cordials of the season
julochka: violets for cordial
julochka: 6/5.2012 - dandelion petals
julochka: 11/5.2012 - dyeing
julochka: nettle dye bath
julochka: sunday afternoon walk
julochka: make cordial while the violets bloom
julochka: 19/5.2012 chive talkin'
julochka: 10/6.2012 - sweet cicely (myrrhis odorata)
julochka: 16/6.2012 - hyldeblomst
julochka: 6/1.2013 - stone faced
julochka: 19/5.2013 - violets