julochka: stitching bunnies
julochka: the beginning
julochka: whirlygig quilt - WIP
julochka: 3/1.2011 whirlygig quilt - WIP
julochka: 4/1.2010 - fleece it is
julochka: 5/1.2010 - relaxed
julochka: whirlygig quilt - finished
julochka: whirlygig quilt - finished
julochka: whirlygig quilt - finished
julochka: whirlygig quilt - finished
julochka: whirlygig quilt - finished
julochka: 6/1.2011 and a new project begins
julochka: new etsy banner
julochka: 8/1.2011 - progress
julochka: sunday sewing
julochka: quilting pictures in my head
julochka: 10/1.2010 - tea & patchwork
julochka: quilting pictures in my head
julochka: quilting pictures in my head
julochka: 13/1.2011 a dose of color
julochka: 14/1.2011 patoot arrives to help with the bunting
julochka: 16/1.2011 frode frø
julochka: lilly pulitzer garland
julochka: butterflies all wired up
julochka: 24/1.2011 a garland for a monday
julochka: 26/1.2011 by julochka
julochka: basket 'o birds
julochka: 30/1.2011 - mandarin marmalade
julochka: 2/2.2011 january quilt top #2
julochka: red zig-zag quilt top WIP