julochka: 212:365 if i were a viking
julochka: 221.5:365 stitched stone
julochka: 221:365 mushroom hunting
julochka: 220:365 tools
julochka: 219:365 vintage tractor
julochka: 218:365 vintage camera <3
julochka: 217:365 me and marimekko
julochka: 216:365 fading summer
julochka: 215:365 1938 argus
julochka: 214:365 summer is all too fleeting
julochka: 213:365 just another summer sunset
julochka: 227:365 a baby viking
julochka: 226:365 light as a feather
julochka: 224:365 on the zoom....
julochka: 223:365 school starts
julochka: 222:365
julochka: 228:365 stones and threads
julochka: 229:365 rainy days and tuesdays...
julochka: 230:365 more feathers
julochka: 231:365 beginning to be a bit obsessed
julochka: 232:365 stormy sunset
julochka: 233:365 shattered
julochka: 235:365 golden autumn morning
julochka: 234:365 if this beauty could talk...
julochka: 236:365 at the end of the rainbow
julochka: 237:365 scored some old film
julochka: 239:365 it's going to be a zen kinda day
julochka: 240:365 let them eat bread and drink wine
julochka: 241:365 why are weekends so short?
julochka: 242:365 matilde is a she not an it